A man named "Mad" Mike Hughes, who is a flat earth conspiracy theorist recently took off in his homemade rocket to prove that Earth is flat. He is a self taught engineer who has been making his rocket for over 10 years. An estimated amount of $20,000 has been spent to crate his steam powered rocket and the launch pad which was also made by his engineering skills. He propelled himself 1875 feet in the air before his rocket dove downwards at 350 miles an hour before deploying his parachute but that didn't slow his speed and he crash landed in Mojave Desert. Paramedics who were waiting in the desert immediately came towards the crashed rocket. Thankfully he didn't get any major injuries. He still dose not believe the Earth is not flat but round, but believes he just needed to go a little bit higher in order to prove he is right and science is wrong. Mad Mike says he has plans for a larger rocket which will be designed to get him in space. He believes the Earth is fl...